Customers waiting while sellers search for info?

AmolinoAI will proactively search and combine information from different applications like emails and slack to help you respond to customer objections and queries in 10 seconds

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Sellers hunting for information instead of closing deals

Icon for warning
Slack is almost unusable

Nobody can keep up with the hundreds of Slack channels. You often miss important information and have to ask for it again.

Icon for a loop
Different customers ask for the same information

Customers ask for the similar information and you waste time replying to similar questions

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You want to sell, not provide support

Customers often turn to you for product support and you have to ask people in slack for the right information to reply to them. You want to focus on selling, not support.

Close deals before competition has their first cup of coffee

Don't search multiple apps or slack people

Everything you need to move a deal forward. From Slack, older emails, CRM and file.I
Amolino works on your mobile to get you information from slack, older emails, CRM and more to help you move deals forward
Learn everything about a customer question or concern automatically without searching
AmolinoAI finds related emails, slack messages, documents and salesforce information for the task that you are working on automatically.
Information from slack, emails, files and salesforce is automatically combined to create the perfect reply
AmolinoAI will combine information from slack, salesforce, emails and files to create the perfect reply for all your customer questions, without you having to spend 20-30 minutes searching for information.
Effortless retrieve key information from email
AmolinoAI helps you understand information that you need to know, culled from your emails, slack,, Jira and GitHub. it is like your own personal librarian.
Use natural language to ask questions across your digital universe

Security and Privacy

At AmolinoAI, we understand that security and privacy are fundamental to your organization and to earning your trust. We have worked with the world's leading organizations to ensure that we follows industry-standard security and privacy policies.

Google Certified Security

Google has verified that we are a CASA 2 certified vendor that follows industry-best security policies

Microsoft Cloud Partner

AmolinoAI is a Microsoft approved cloud provider

CASA 2 Accredited

AmolinoAI has obtained CASA 2 certification. CASA 2 is provided after independent third-party security auditor

Encryption In Transit

Your data is protected during transit by strong encryption (TLS 1.2)

Encryption At Rest

Your data is encrypted at rest with strong AES-265 bit encryption

GDPR / CCPA Compliant

We are fully compliant with European GDPR and California CCPA

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